Monday, September 15, 2008

"Il n’existe jamais rien!"


My ultimate philosophy...this simple sentence governs all aspects of everybody's life i.e. there is never nothing, there is nothing in this life and has never been. Nothing is immortal, nothing lasts forever and nothing (and I repeat nothing) is eternal and worth being tied to. This life that we all cherish so dearly and happen to be our most precious thing is going to end one day. Everything and everyone that you love so much is going to leave you one day and so are you.

There are more to this: there is never anything, everything in this world is nothing, nothing is worthy, think about it! Look around yourself, what do you see? Nothing! There is absolutely nothing out there!

Yes it does sound Über-nihilistic but it is the truth and nothing but the me! You just have to think about it deeply...very deeply and if you don't trust me, do get acquainted with all the great thinkers of the world, the philosophers, scientists, mathematicians and etc. Bottom line, they are saying the same and can't agree with above more.

This way of thinking does help you t remind yourself of the fact that this is not going to last very much so stop wasting time and caring about it so much. Get a new perspective and lower your expectations of this hopeless hole called life. It can eventually make you feel a bit happy and joyful AFTER you have come into terms with yourself and have swallowed this bitter truth. Then the tough gets going whenever the going gets tough, you do take it a bit easier and hell, you may start having fun! Since "Il n'existe jamais rien!" so why bother, huh?


Unknown said...

Hej, this is Soord here. You were the last one I would expect to start the Blog. Reading your posts reminded me of old times. Take care.

Xerxes said...

Right you are.
Taste the bitter life like a sip of vodka. The bitter taste does not exist at all,...

snakedancer said...

You can enjoy any-thing if you do not demand every-thing

Xerxes said...

I thing this can be rather helpful to your thought: