Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tourani letters

Back in the days, my father had a book in his library titled "The letters of a father to his daughter" by the great Indian statesman Jawaharlal Nehru. I never read that book and I regret that deeply. I know now that he wrote about 30 letters to his then 10 year old daughter, Indira Gandhi teaching her about life and everything else. The idea of writing letters to my daughter from this early age i.e. 5 months old is per se very interesting and most tickling. However, my dear friend BT, who wrote a letter upon her birth developed this idea further and one email and a reminder in the PS after, he started a blog on these letters. The main drawback, in my opinion, is that not until you have taken long walks after a hyper exciting and controversial basketball match with him on the way home* or spent time with him in worn-out and dirty student dorms on basketball tournies, it is a bit difficult to FEEL these letters, I suppose only a handful of people are in that circle.

*The philosophical exchange of 'BS fiction' nature after the climax of a sparked game, in some cultures, can be regarded equal to joy of a fat J on summit after a long climb.

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