Friday, September 25, 2009


It has been exactly 1 year since I modestly started here. This first year has been distinctively marked by inconsistency and lack of inspiration to write. Top that with some perfectionist ideology which put the burden of 'creation' rather than easy writing with the flow. However, I have tried to turn the table around in the past 2 months and have made a decent effort to make up for all that shortcomings, there must have been something in the air of Seattle because it sort of came pouring after that visit!

Well the most important thing is I feel extremely pleased with:

a) being here at all and writing; I should have started long ago which I did, I was writing on bits and pieces since I don't know when, but not this public and not this organized and systematic

b) managing to make more than my holy number of 13 people to 'follow' me, it has been quiet on the feedback front though, but that's cool as I regard my only audience to be MYSELF for the time being, which in turn makes me write from the heart

c) getting occasional clicks and hits from various parts the world, always amazing even though it is tiny

d) starting to open my eyes and look for ideas to write about which makes my mind slightly hyperactive and challenges my lazy nature

Like I said, I never thought I am going to like it this much...but I do now and that feels good. I am happy to see I have a bunch of ideas that I still haven't touched yet and I will deal with them in the coming future. I am also thinking of setting quantifiable and realistic goals as well, we'll see how that will work out.

Many thanks to everyone who has contributed so far and will do so by feedback, reading, discussions, challenges, ideas, encouragements, following and etc. A special one to my cousin for his occasional wise words.

Next, I am going to push the limit and see what happens.


Amir H. Fassihi said...

Great .. keep it up .. this place is cool :)

adoosh said...

Thanks a lot man, just keep them input comin'!