Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Break it!

The main reason for my absence in my blog, well other that endemic laziness, is the internet filter policy that our company has been posing on us. So far, I have been trying to keep myself in that frame as much as I could. However, I have to admit that I have broken that every now and then ;) Since I am spending most of my useful and creative time at work trying to work and not write in my blog and etc., I ended up not writing here and falling behind the date...not that I didn't have anything to write about but just that I wanted to keep myself in that frame.

Today, I decided to end that nonsense and write whenever, wherever I feel like it...or not having much to do or simply wanting to have a break from this "three ring circus sideshow of freaks"!

So buckle up, it's showtime baby, here we goooooooooo!

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