Monday, October 29, 2012

The story of Jimmy

Jimmy was a cocky and hot-headed sparrow. One day he told his friends that "he couldn't take this s#&t anymore" and he wanted to start off his 'northbound adventure'. He said that he believed that "the north was were it's at" (whatever the hell that means!) and he couldn't bear hanging out with 'those losers' anymore so he basically headed north. 

He flew and flew and flew. After a couple of days of flying, he got tired and noticed that the weather was getting colder. He continued and tried to ignore the fatigue and the cold but one day, at the peak of exhaustion and somewhat frustration, he found himself in a snow storm and next thing he knew, he was grounded as the winds and snow were smashing to his tired body. When he came to his senses, he was almost fully buried under the heavy snow and was shaking uncontrollably. He prayed to the god that he did not believe in to get out of this dismal ordeal and he promised 'to stop being cocky and treat his friends and others with respect'. All of a sudden, a moose called Johannes who was passing by and had not obviously seen him, dropped a massive crap on Jimmy. Jimmy was too tired to mind this but he soon noticed that the heat from the turd started to melt the snow around him and all of a sudden, he was enjoying the pleasant warmth and he totally forgot where he was and why he was there. He started singing from joy:

"All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
I've been for a walk
On a winter's day
I'd be save and warm
if I was in LA
California dreamin'
on such a winter's day..."

A fox named Vincenzo came by and heard Jimmy's voice. He saw Jimmy sitting for himself and singing joyfully in the middle of crap. He had not eaten anything proper for several days in that winter so in a blink of an eye, he pulled him out and ate him up.

Moral 1. If someone takes a crap on you, it doesn't necessarily mean that he wants to harm you rather he might be doing you good in an indirect way, it might be a solution to your already s#&!ty situation.

Moral 2. If someone takes you out of crap, it doesn't necessarily mean that he wants to help you, maybe  he wants to eat you afterwards.

Moral 3. If you find yourself in crap, keep quiet and enjoy the warmth, it might be the best for you.


adoosh said...

Xerxes_g gets the credit for this story but today's snow and a couple of sparrows that I saw in the morning inspired me to write this down.

Xerxes said...

Nicely done. So nice indeed. Thank you.

adoosh said...

Hey, what did you think of choice of names? Johannes and Vincenzo...
